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Asiakastieto Group nominates Heikki Ylipekkala to develop digital business

ASIAKASTIETO GROUP PLC, STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 15 SEPTEMBER 2016, 9.00 A.M. EESTAsiakastieto Group nominates Heikki Ylipekkala to develop digital businessAsiakastieto Group appoints Heikki Ylipekkala (49) member of the executive team. Ylipekkala will develop digital services, and his sphere of responsibility...

Asiakastieto Group’s sale of office premises completed

ASIAKASTIETO GROUP PLC, STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 17 MAY 2016, 3.00 P.M. EESTAsiakastieto Group's sale of office premises completedThe Group has sold its shares entitling to the holding of its current premises to an outside investor with a transaction concluded in...