Meet Daniel Riemslag, a developer who likes the breadth of what our IT does and that there is something for everyone at UC. How do you spend the days? I am part of a fairly newly formed constellation at UC,...
The form of the company is being eroded - many are critical Next year, the requirement for initial capital can be halved in limited liability companies. But the reform is not in demand by the entrepreneurial organizations. There is a...
More and more companies and private individuals are affected by fraud. The inventiveness is great and there are always new ways of trying to trick us. What trends do we see at UC and what can we do about the...
We in Asiakastieto Group provide information services for intelligent decisions. Our information creates high transparency and deeper trust in our society. The importance of responsibility is increasing continuously in the society today. Therefore, responsible operation, such as uncompromising compliance with...
European banks must open certain interfaces also to other operators in September, at the latest. The reason for this is the PSD2 payment services directive entered into force at the beginning of 2018. Asiakastieto has been building a service, where...