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How are you? And I really mean it!

Mental health is the very core of our life. If you live with stress or feeling “blue” in longer periods you easily feel the everyday life as a surviving game. You struggle to reach the feeling of being the best version of you.

There is a myriad of reasons behind one’s problems: it can be connected to health and family (again core) but too often it is also work related. During my decades as a leader, I have seen my colleagues mentally struggling because of work and I have had my difficulties too. Reasons behind can be to keep up with a world in change, culture, bad leadership, or over scaled expectations – just naming a few. I find it clear, that I have to make absolutely every leadership thing I can to build a culture that fosters our mental and physical wellbeing.

How can we help each other to manage? We need to have focus on this topic. This is about our lives! I’m not suggesting that we in Enento Group are exceptional, but I’ll share a couple of examples what we in Enento do to monitor and support topics related to mental health. These include our Zero tolerance to any kind of harassment and a close follow-up on any early related stress matters (ie. early care model). In Enento we also follow-up our people’s wellbeing and work situation as well as prioritizing matters with our bi-weekly pulse surveys, we invest into our leaders’ leadership development for coaching and emotionally intelligent leadership, and we encourage everybody for life-long learning which we support with our Enento Academy. We provide our people with Auntie tool for preventative support for mental wellbeing and a weekly Health Hour to take care of oneself.

We can support those who help others

However, for many of us, there is more we can do to move together towards a stronger tomorrow. We can support those who help others already. This year, in Enento Group (Suomen Asiakastieto Oy) our goal is to donate at least 40 000 euros (4€ from each Strongest in Finland certificate) to support MIELI ry. Their mission is to promote mental health, provide crisis support and prevent mental health issues. We want to help them building a society in which people can talk about mental health safely and without stigma.

We shouldn’t underestimate even the small gestures in every day. “How are you?” is a question that we can and should have time for, always. Ask it from yourself and from people around you. Truly mind listening and care! 

Jeanette Jäger


Jeanette started as CEO for Enento group in the beginning of January 2022. In 2021 Jeanette left her former role at the Swedish company Bankgirot, where she had the role of CEO since 2017. She has a broad background within the banking, finance, and IT sector in the Nordic region, with previous leading positions within Tieto and TDC. From a personal point of view, she have a great engagement to grow business solutions that creates great value both for our customers and for society. In her spare time, she spends time in the gym and she love fast cars and flowers.

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