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Looking back at Nordic bankruptcies 2020

We recently shared some positive bankruptcies statistics together with Experian showing that the bankruptcies in all Nordic countries surprisingly decreased when summarizing the year 2020. This is great news and it is interesting to see that the largest decrease of...

The importance of teaching young people about the economy

Surveys show that young adults in the Nordic region take more loans today than ever before. At the same time, they seem to have little knowledge about the impact of credits on their private economy. This is an unfortunate combination...

Some insight from this year’s The Sales Conference

Last week, The Sales Conference took place, and this year the format of the event was slightly different as it was a digital event. The purpose of the day remains the same though, to inspire and give tips on new...

Our HR Director wins the award HR-director of the Year!

Yesterday our very talented Eleonor Öhlander was awarded the title HR-director of the Year 2020 within employer branding by Universum. The award was given to Eleonor yesterday afternoon at a live digital gala, where the best employers were announced. Also,...

We are now a ”Great place to work”!

I am so happy to share with you that UC in Sweden and Asiakastieto in Finland both have been certified “Great place to work”. This is a result of intensive work that has been going on within Enento Group to...

90 percent of our customers thinks we give excellent customer service

Customer focus, competence and commitment is important to us. We handle a large number of different customer inquiries every day. From end-consumers who have questions about their personal finances or general economic questions, to corporate customers who have questions about...

Our core values and what they mean to us

During the last two years Enento Group has grown a lot! Today we are 420 colleagues working in eight offices in four Nordic countries. In this time, we have merged several smaller companies into one large company and have therefore...

The quality in our data is the core of our business

High quality data has always been the core of our business. Therefore, it makes us very proud to learn that 70 percent of our most satisfied B2B customers would recommend us to others because of the high quality and user-friendliness...