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“Sustainability is a must if we are to remain relevant”

“Sustainability is one of the issues we stand or fall by. The world is focused on investing money sustainably and financial institutions that lose the confidence of the public have no future.” So says Hans Beyer, Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO)...

Manali Mittal, Tester

Hello Manali! Tell us a little bit about yourself! What do you do at Enento and when did you join us?  I am from India and living in Stockholm for 8 years now. I joined Enento in April 2020 as...

A decrease in bankruptcies across all of the Nordics in 2020

New bankruptcy statistics from Enento Group and Experian: New statistic from Enento Group and Experian shows that the bankruptcies in all Nordic countries surprisingly are decreasing when summarizing the year of 2020. The largest decrease of bankruptcies is found in...

The bankruptcies in the Nordics are decreasing in Q3

New statistic from Enento Group and Experian shows that the bankruptcies within all Nordic countries are decreasing in Q3, compared with the same period last year. In Denmark, the bankruptcies are decreasing with 20 percent, in Norway with 29 percent,...

PSD2 means fast and sustainable credit decisions

Speed is addictive and smoothness is enticing. In credit processes in particular. There is a general perception that speed automatically means poor quality, but is that true? Applying for and deciding on a loan is one of the processes that...

Gina Falck, Account manager

Hi Gina! You are working at our Oslo office and with the Proff brand. Tell us, what do you do? I work today at Proff as an account manager with new sales, and started in 2013 and am back for...

Elina Stråhlman, CFO

Meet Elina Stråhlman, who works as CFO for Enento Group, based in Helsinki, Finland. Why did you choose to start working for Enento Group? I am impressed by the company's journey and believe that there are great opportunities in the...