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Steps taken on our path towards being carbon neutral

One of the biggest threats to our environment is climate change. At Enento, we believe that it is our utmost duty and responsibility to change things around. That’s why we’ve set an ambitious goal to be carbon neutral by 2023 and to reach Net Zero emissions in 2030. During the last year we have continued our journey towards these ambitious targets. In 2022 our total carbon footprint was only 530 tons of CO2. This is a decrease with 74 percent since our base year 2019 but it is also s small increase in emissions since 2021. It is mainly due to the post-pandemic situation and going back to office. Here in our sustainability review you can read more. Here are also some example of our emission data from 2022:

• Total amount of 530 414 CO2 carbon emissions during 2022 – a decrease of 74% since base year 2019.
• 46% of the emissions comes from business travelling
• 16,5% of the emissions comes from commuting
• 14% energy consumption related to IT equipment
• 0% emissions related to hosting and data services

What actions did we do in 2022 and what do we plan to do?

1) Changing habits of business travelling
Business travelling is our largest source of emissions today and it includes flights, taxi and accommodation. During the year we have continued do work on keeping down emissions from travelling and not going back to “business as usual”. We have made the decision to act in line with our Environmental policy as well as our updated Business Travel policy that was implemented during 2021. This means flying as little as possible, continuing with our hybrid working model and encouraging our personnel to use public transportation.

2) Aiming for even more sustainable offices and events

Our largest offices are in Helsinki (headquarter), Stockholm and Oslo. All of them are in locations with good public transportation connections. In January 2023, the office in Stockholm moved into new premises and a new location in central Stockholm. The premises are in the Waterfront Building, a LEED Gold certified and modern climate energy efficient building. In 2022, our emissions from the offices increased some and the main reason was that we were able to go back to office after the pandemic. In 2023 we will continue to investigate having all purchased electricity in all our offices renewable. We will also improve our waste management and do the consumption of food and beverages supplied in the offices more sustainable. Finally, we want to find ways to systemize environmental requirements towards our partners. This goes with external or internal events, both in terms of energy and consumption goods.

3) Continue to decrease emissions from IT equipment
14% of our total emissions come from IT equipment. It is the third largest source of emissions for Enento. The decrease is mainly due to buying less new IT equipment to our employees in 2022 compared to 2021. To further decrease our emissions we performed a detailed analysis during 2022. We calculated the amount of emissions from different kind of IT equipment, as well as our habits of usage. We included several environmental requirements for the Group. We now repair and re-use our equipment. There are also environmental criteria for purchases of new equipment since they showed to be the largest source of emissions.

Our journey towards carbon neutral in 2023 and net zero in 2030 continues

Our climate efforts follow international standards and our targets were determined following the methodology of the Science Based Targets Initiative, aiming for a reduction greater than their minimum yearly absolute reduction recommendation to be aligned with 1,5° and a faster pace to reach NetZero than 2050.

I am very well aware that it will not be easy for us to reach net zero by 2030. But I feel that we are truly committed and feel trust in our ambition a head since we are doing the journey together with engaged and committed colleagues, customers and partners.