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Proff and Mathallen: a cooperative success story

Mathallen is an indoor food market with cafes, eateries and speciality shops featuring small-scale Norwegian producers. It is a unique experience which offers the best of Norwegian and international food – but also gives people a social space where they can join together to take part in new food trends. During the pandemic Mathallen struggled, as many others in the food and service industry. They needed assistance to reach out to new customers and found what they were looking for with Proff, a part of Enento Group.

Mathallen is a very concrete concept. We want people to come to Mathallen when looking for the best possible experience. In order to do so, we needed to create a strong digital profile. We must give people a reason to come here as well as reach the decision makers to book tables and join our campaigns. And here is where Proff comes in play, says Manager at Mathallen Oslo, Frode Rønne Malmo.

See the video below to listen to Frode talk about the business and how Proff helped them achieve new success during difficult times.