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Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company

Transparent reporting supports responsible investing 

The objective of Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company is to ensure the profitable and secure investment of employment pension assets. Elo’s corporate financing supports the internationalization and growth of Finnish companies and seeks sustainable earnings. Our services play an important role in credit ratings and decision-making processes in corporate financing. Our ESG Report provides company information on Environmental responsibility, social responsibility, corporate governance and financial situation of companies.  

“Elo is a leader in responsible investing and we want to use the best available tools in our sustainability efforts. Asiakastieto’s ESG Report service corresponds to our needs very well. It provides a compilation of information that we had to collect from many different sources in the past. It has certainly made our operations smoother  and easier,” says Silja Bjondahl, Head of Corporate Finance at Elo.  

The assessment of a companies’ creditworthiness and monitoring their solvency are important aspects of risk management. For Elo, Asiakastieto’s monitoring services provide relevant and up-to-date information on changes in companies and the development of their financial situation. “This enables us to react in a timely manner, keep in contact and take a proactive approach,” Bjondahl explains.  

Bjondahl believes that high-quality reporting and transparency also help improve the sustainability of businesses in society in a broader sense. “Keeping sustainability issues at the forefront makes companies more aware of their impacts. It improves expertise in this area and creates a virtuous cycle.”