Automated housing valuation is the key to the future
Owned by some 39 000 farmers and forest owners, Landshypotek Bank has operated in the field of finance and banking since the 1800s. It offers housing finance services to customers throughout Sweden. Our automated housing valuation service on the swedish market helps the bank deliver a quick and transparent credit decision process for its customers. The service makes it possible for customers to quickly see the offered interest rate and the factors behind it. They do not need to move all of their banking over or even negotiate with the bank to get competitive loan terms.
“To grant a loan, we need to make sure that the valuation is done reliably. The customer sends an extract from the cadastre online and immediately receives information on the value of the home. We chose to partner with UC because of their reputation as a provider of reliable solutions,” says Product Manager Ann Wilén from Landshypotek Bank.

Our housing valuation service collects price statistics on all types of properties in Sweden, from farms to single-family houses. Wilén points out that reliable valuation along with information on the amount of credit are essential elements of the bank’s loan offer. Partnering with UC has enabled Landshypotek Bank to streamline and automate its credit decision process.
“We meet regularly and engage in open dialogue. UC clearly cares about creating a good customer relationship and they are interested in our needs and plans so they can provide us with the best possible assistance in the long term,” Wilén concludes.